Gold Magic Book Signing on YouTube
Brick Cave Author Bruce Davis recently hosted a virtual book signing celebrating the release of Gold Magic, the second book in the Magic Law fantasy series. Watch the video here.
Order the Book: https://brkcv.com/BCDavis
The Hollows are a tinderbox. Rival drug gangs struggle for supremacy in the Orc dominated slum of Cymbeline. Poverty and prejudice keep thousands of Orcs locked in a cycle of misery and despair. When four Orc children are found dead in a vacant lot, victims of a foul Blood magic ritual, Simon Buckley and his Magic Enforcement team must solve the case before the Hollows explode into violence. Their investigation takes them from the mean streets of Cymbeline to the bucolic farmlands of the Grey Havens and ultimately to the Royal Palace and a volitile secret that threatens to destroy the Commonwealth and all that Simon holds dear.